Monday, 14 October 2013


Took this shot when I was in Barcelona. There is something so poignant about this scene. The master is probably homeless or a traveler who missed his train ride for the day or perhaps a wandering street performer who sleeps along the alleys at night. Whoever he was, he probably had all his stuff with him in his travelling bag. That... and his loyal companion. 

And his companion, as if oblivious to the status of his master does not care. Sleeping snugly with him, he is at home. And that's what all the matters.

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Train Station

I don't know about you, but whenever I pass by a city I try to feel its vibe in the train station. The mood is somewhat exuded in the muted expressions of the locales going about their way.

Like there was a time I was in Tokyo, Japan... For some reason I felt depressed. It was as if I was dealing with humans that are trapped in their own world, going about their own way as if with no purpose. Just the same thing day in, day out.

Of course it could just be me. Maybe I was just projecting to them my own sorrow.


I still have not decided how this blog would turn out to be. Would this be an informative type for would-be backpackers to refer for some information or would this be my sounding board where I need to pour out my thoughts. I am actually more tempted towards the latter. I know it would not bring me the moolah but I guess this financial-requirement has been constricting me for so long. I have finally decided to write because I simply need to write.

That is my strategy at this at this point. To bring back the passion that I once had. When words would just pour out endlessly when I face a blank screen or a blank page.

I am now towards the end of my backpacking journey. The third one. I thought I would have some answers right now. But no. Life has this way of giving you more questions. In the end you just have to learn to live with the questions.